Description and Benefits 

Alkaline Cup with a balance PH Level.

Alkaline cup with a P.H level
Revive damaged cell in the body due to narcotics
Ability to flush away any acidic content in the body
helps reduce cholesterol in the body
Enable mineral to reach the cell
Contribute to quality eyesight, hair, and skin
Help improve the condition of your health
help the body absorb the vital mineral and nutrients more effectively
Powerful anti-oxidation, it neutralizes free radical in the human body.
help remove toxins out of vital organ
increased energy and digestion.
Electrolysed reduces water scavenges, activate oxygen and protect DNA from oxidation damage.
Improvement in the liver function exams in hepatic disorder.
Improvement in the serum bilirubin level in new babies.
Ionized water suppressed the growth of cancer cell transplanted into mice demonstrating their anti-cancer effect.
Prevents you from chronic diseases e.g Cancer, allergy, asthma, breast cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, heart disease.
Helps to sustain all forms of life.
Help to heal wound through health cell.
Anion exchange; ordinary drinking water does not carry negative ions but the cup water is rich in negative ions which can carry oxygen for the body, helps activates the cell, enhances water quality and taste.

Price :60,000FCFA

Benefits :

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